As someone who is not only a wedding professional, but also a former bride it’s fair to say I’ve had experience on both sides. I’m constantly learning and growing in my profession, but my own wedding taught me a lot too! Keep reading to find out 5 things I learned from my own wedding. Hire […]

Education, Personal

August 24, 2020

5 Things I Learned From My Own Wedding

Lauren and Jesse married in Charleston: 5 things i learned from my own wedding

We recently celebrated Rookie the Swiss Mix first birthday party! My fiance and I had been talking about adopting a dog from a shelter for years. Unfortunately, it was never the right time or the right dog. We were lucky enough to come across Rookie after the Three Rivers Bernese Mountain Dog Club posted about him. He needed […]

Personal, Portrait

May 29, 2017

Rookie the Swiss Mix

Rookie the Swiss Mix First Birthday Party

Our travles through the South of France – Provence,  The French Riviera, Nice, Monaco…were just a few of the places we visited on our tour of Europe two summers ago! My fiancé and I attended my cousin’s wedding at the beautiful Le Mas des Oules located just outside the quaint little town of Uzès, France. We traveled there […]


May 11, 2016

Travels through the South of France – French Riviera, Provence, Nice, and Monaco!

Provence French Riviera Nice Monaco France

A few months ago I took a quick trip to visit my college roommate in San Francisco, CA. Ahra and I met our first week at PIT and have been inseparable ever since! It was a sad day when Ahra moved across the country to the West Coast. But, now I have an excuse to travel! Ahra […]


December 15, 2015

San Francisco, California

San Francisco-2015-fine art-travel-photography-alcatraz-golden gate bridge-ocean-west coast-bay area-painted sisters-lauren-renee-designs